What’s your pet’s GUT telling you?

Gut health for your pet is of utmost importance. The gut is the gateway through which the body gets nourished. Poor gut health can mean poor overall health.

Microbiome is all the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live within the body. Microbiome protects against pathogens, helps the immune system develop and enables food digestion to produce energy.

When microbiome is not balanced, your pet may show signs of itchy skin, vomiting, gas, bloating, diarrhea, and a lower tolerance to certain foods. A few contributing factors to an imbalance of microbiome are a lack of good bacteria, stress, age, illness, and / or diet.

A diet that includes prebiotics and probiotics can help support a healthy gut. Probiotics are known as healthy bacteria and help protect the gut by reducing inflammation, boosting immunity against bad bacteria, preventing infection and helping with food intolerances and allergies. Prebiotics are foods that support the well-being of probiotics.

Probiotics can be found in foods such as goat milk, yogurt, kefir, bananas, blueberries, dandelion greens, and sweet potato. High-fiber foods are the best sources of prebiotics in the diet. Such foods include apples, legumes, oats, and flaxseed.

Pre and Probiotic supplements are a great option for convenience and assurance that your pet is getting the best balance for their body.

We carry a full line of gut health supplements by Adored Beast, Herbsmith and Earth Animal.

Take it a step further; consider identifying the root cause of your pets’ discomfort with a simple, low-cost, non-invasive intolerance test kit from Ucari. Suitable for cats and dogs, the Ucari intolerance test measures over 1000 intolerances, imbalances, and sensitivities.


  • Involves the body’s immune system which release antibodies to fight off the substance it feels is causing harm

  • The reaction is almost immediate

  • Could be life-threatening

  • May disappear as with age, but many are lifelong

  • Test could be done using blood, saliva, or skin prick


  • Involves the body’s digestive system

  • The symptoms may appear several hours or days after ingestion, contact, or exposure

  • Temporary imbalance

  • Typically not life-threatening

  • Test using hair sample